I am honoured to support the 80th anniversary celebrations to commemorate D-Day.

D-Day on 6 June 1944 was the largest Naval, Air and land Operation in history, involving
many hundreds of thousands of brave men who had to leave their families at home, not
knowing if they would ever return home, a feat we hope will never have to take place

The heroism of those who landed on the shores of the Normandy beaches, represented a
beacon of light for the world during a particularly dark period of war. It is therefore
fitting that local communities throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of
Man, UK Overseas Territories and those along the shorelines of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno
and Sword beaches in Normandy, France, should light Beacons on 6 June 2024, in 'tribute
to the light of peace that they brought out from the misery of darkness during that dreadful
campaign, of which many unfortunately did not return.

1 am therefore delighted to support this initiative and I urge communities across the
country to support this event. I would like to pay particular tribute to Pageantmaster,
Bruno Peck for his tremendous efforts in leading these historic celebrations. It also gives
me great pleasure in congratulating The Royal Naval Association, The Merchant Navy
Association, The Royal Airforce Benevolent Fund and ABF The Soldiers Charity for
their remarkable efforts in supporting our service personnel, along with their families.

As we look forward to the future, I believe we should take strength from the shared
hardship of our experience during World War It. That future is why so many of our
service men gave their lives - and protecting the peace they fought for is the greatest way
we can honour those who fell.